Friday, July 10, 2009

The 20 top Scams online you need to know about

I just posted an article on Hubpages about the top 20 scams online. Along with the name of each scam there's a short description for each one of these scams. Here's the link if you need to know them Top-20-Scams-Online..
I got a lot of the info from this place called of which I am a member. There's tons of great info on their site and if you need further details as to each particular Scam, I suggest you should join them and read on!
Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why you need an Antivirus/Spyware program

The days of safely browsing the web are long gone. If you are browsing, downloading any files from any sites online, opening pages offering 'free stuff' then chances are you already have a Virus or a Spy-ware infection in your PC. Many of the reasons P2P sites like (Ares, Limewire, Torrent sites) have the files you looking for is because the vast majority of those files contain Trojan viruses in them. You get the free file, MP3 song, or whatever it is you wanted downloaded for free, but the freebie comes with a price. Now a hacker gets free access to your PC or laptop.

Within days you will notice your PC is slower. Your security has been compromised. It happens daily. It happened to me. That is why if you don't have an anti-virus/spy-ware program you should immediately get one. If you do have one, depending on which one it is, you should research to make sure it has some of the great features that you will need to be protected. I use ZoneAlarm. I have been using it for the past 5 years. I swear by it. One of the best things about ZoneAlarm is the ability to stop you from going to dangerous sites (Spy-blocking) another is that each time you install a new program, it tells you how much access the program wants (how much you give it is up to you) it tells you if it tries to change your registry settings (very important)
and if it should allow it access to the web.

Keep Evil Away From Your Computer

There are many other reasons I recommend ZoneAlarm. There are too many jerks out there who want to harm us. That's what they do. Then there are others who want to steal our identity because that too is what they do. Protect your self at all times.
Have a great day!